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健康和临床结果研究, Health Data Science Student Spotlight Series: 范国英武(24年) 


范国英武(24年) is a second-year student in the Master of Health Data Science program in the Saint Louis University 医学院.

He recently shared his thoughts about the program and why he pursued a 职业生涯 in Health Data Science, advice for incoming students, what he hopes to do with his 职业生涯.  

What inspired you to pursue a degree in Health Data Science? 

Initially, my motivation stemmed from a desire to further my 职业生涯 prospects, coupled with a quest for comprehension whenever my biology research colleagues would present 他们的生物信息数据. However, over time, my fascination deepened into a genuine passion for data science and love for the intricacies of coding.

I find immense gratification in witnessing how data informs our decision-making processes 揭穿先入为主的假设. 数据科学的发展前景仍在继续 to captivate me, driving my dedication to unraveling its complexities and contributing to its advancements, the little spark of joy when seeing your code run perfectly.

What skills or knowledge have you gained that you believe will benefit your future 职业生涯?  

In addition to employing statistical methodologies and analyses for adapting machine learning models, the program has instilled in me a profound appreciation for the virtues 耐心和灵活性. Through this 旅程, I've come to understand that while technical expertise is vital, the ability to patiently iterate, refine, adapt models based on evolving data and insights is equally crucial.

Rather than fixating on a singular approach, I learned to embrace alternative perspectives 处理复杂问题时. 我变得更加自信,积极主动 the faculty and professors, asking questions whenever uncertain, consistently 与所有可用资源进行交互并加以利用.

How has your involvement in extracurricular activities or research enhanced your academic 旅程? 

我很荣幸能与. (Noor) Al-Hammadi的一个项目 最初看起来很简单. 我们期望为特定的包编写代码 会是一个简短的任务,可能跨越一两天. 然而,随着我们深入研究, 我们遇到了超出我们预期的复杂情况.

By meticulously scrutinizing every aspect of the package's design, I fortified its resilience, ensuring it could effortlessly evolve alongside the dynamic landscape of data science, ready to tackle new challenges with unwavering efficacy, a sprinkle 的技巧.

How has the support and mentorship from faculty and peers influenced your academic 个人成长? 

的 unwavering support and encouragement from both the staff and professors have been 在这段旅程中是无价的. 起初,我尤其被自我怀疑所困扰 when confronted with the daunting world of coding, in which I had no experience. 的 transition from a research biology lab to this unfamiliar environment only compounded 我的恐惧. Yet, the professors went above and beyond, extending a guiding hand by inviting alumni to share their own experiences and offering clear, concise pathways to success. 他们的指导是不可或缺的.

As I reflect on my progress after the first year, I can confidently say that I've 变得更加自信. 虽然偶尔的犹豫和挫折仍然 arise, especially in the realm of job hunting, I am fortified by the robust support 他们提供的系统. With their unwavering backing, I feel empowered to navigate 我的前进道路有了新的清晰和决心.

What advice do you have for incoming students interested in Health Data Science? 

追求卓越. Embrace curiosity and never be afraid of seeking clarity. 每一个 of you has 旅程ed far from your home to immerse yourselves in one of the most rapidly 不断发展和竞争激烈的领域. 不遗余力地追求成功, yet let integrity and purpose guide every action; leave nothing left unsaid.

What are your Capstone Experience plans and how do you think it will help you prepare 找工作? 

Having spent three years in a research laboratory conducting experiments, I am now 为我的终极项目寻找新的方向. 我的愿望是去实习 within the data management division of a hospital or research institution to truly expand my expertise as well as gain novel, invaluable experience which will help with 我毕业后找工作.


Saint Louis University's Master of Science program in health data science is designed to prepare students for a 职业生涯 in today's data-driven health care industry. 成功的 data scientists possess an artful ability to blend, synthesize and communicate data for use in clinical decisions by patients and providers, as well as advancing quality 整个卫生系统的改进工作.


关于 the Department of Health and Clinical Outcomes 研究

的 mission of the Department of Health and Clinical Outcomes 研究 is to serve as the collaborative bridge between divisions, departments, colleges/schools across medicine and the health sciences to support methodologically rigorous research to 解决复杂的健康问题. 的 Department of Health and Clinical Outcomes 研究 is a scholarly community of faculty, staff and students committed to strengthening the delivery and outcomes of medical care through education and training programs, 创新研究和咨询服务.